How to Become an Oversubscribed Spiritual Practitioner

In this free training:

For three straight years, my one-on-one Akashic clearing and coaching sessions were booked solid, between two to three months in advance, until I was guided to withdraw them to focus on working with groups.

However, my journey in the field has gifted me profound knowledge and unique insights, and now, I am here to share that experience with you – sharing both the modalities, the energy and the strategy behind becoming a sought-after spiritual professional.

We are on the brink of an AI-dominated era, which experts predict will replace a whopping 70% of jobs globally. But there’s one realm that AI can’t reach: the human consciousness, the spiritual potential within us. 

And what’s even more notable is that we are experiencing a global spiritual awakening, creating a rising demand for skilled spiritual practitioners. The human consciousness is ascending and more people are seeking alternative solutions for their daily problems. When 3D methods and conventional therapies don’t bring results, a growing number of people are yearning for transformative experiences that only you, as a spiritual practitioner, can provide.

The time couldn’t be better to either start or enhance your practice as a spiritual professional, coach or healer.

I am inviting you to a transformative FREE LIVE training event, "How to Become an Oversubscribed Spiritual Practitioner".

In this session, I’ll guide you on how to:

Who Is It For?

Whether you’re an accomplished practitioner ready to break through your plateau, or a curious soul at the beginning of your spiritual journey, this live training is designed to set your trajectory. It’s about empowering you to serve humanity profoundly and build a practice that’s fulfilling and in high demand.

Are you ready to ride this wave of spiritual awakening, becoming a beacon of transformation? Join me at this live training session! Together, we can transcend the mundane and step confidently into our future as in-demand spiritual practitioners, ready to help humanity ascend to new heights, one healed soul at a time.

Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar is renowned for his own transformational method, blending a unique ability to access both terrestrial and Galactic Akashic records, ancestral healing, trauma release and re-wiring personal energy fields with cosmic frequencies.

As an Akashic specialist, he effectively uncovers and dispels blockages that stand in the way of love, prosperity, and vitality. His reputation as an oversubscribed spiritual practitioner for three straight years stands as a testament to his effectiveness and the transformative experiences he offers his clients.

Aeron’s practice extends to reading the soul’s origin, its last galactic incarnation, and the commitments in the soul’s contracts. These comprehensive sessions help individuals align with their purpose and unleash their fullest potential.

Collaborating with enlightened Galactic Nations like the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Lyrans, Sirians, and the Galactic Federation of Light, Aeron channels transformative energies. He employs advanced consciousness technology that is capable of elevating every aspect of an individual’s life.

In this training, Aeron will share his experience on becoming an oversubscribed spiritual professional.

Sign up and join Aeron Lazar's How to Become an Oversubscribed Spiritual Practitioner Event