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In the meantime, you can access a very powerful Activation designed to Embodying New Earth Frequencies – Guided Immersion

Can you manifest with ease and accelerate abundance?

Our beautiful planet has been through a lot in the last 3 years! Chances are, that you have experienced first-hand some of the low vibrational energy emitted across the planet: fear, separation, sadness, despair, dis-ease, uncertainty.

The good news is, we are on the trajectory to the New Earth. December 2020 marked a beautiful planetary event: the Earth received the first waves of powerful plasmic energy which will support humanity’s consciousness ascension. During the June 2021 Solstice, the portal to anchor in fifth dimensional consciousness opened further. And recently, during the Solstice of June 2023, the energies have become off the charts!

Planetary upgrades that are taking place
allow us to manifest realities and desired outcomes
at much accelerated speed!

Many of us have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the New Earth, watching the Schuman resonance charts and taking part in group celebrations and meditations on Solstice, Equinox and Lions Gate portals.

But in between these big dates, you may be asking yourself: what now?

Is this really the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?

“Embodying New Earth Frequencies – Guided Manifestation Immersion” is a potent guided meditation practice, designed to help you anchor in new powerful light frequencies and manifest the life you desire.

It all starts with you!

You see, the true work is only just starting. We will not see any changes – whether in our personal lives or on a global scale – unless we all consciously shift out of the old paradigms and embody the new frequencies.

The New Earth starts with each and every one of us diving deep into our inner work.

And the good new is, this internal process is not a chore: it can be relaxing, exciting & pleasurable!

I am about to take you on a journey to a sacred space from which you will manifest your ideal reality whilst helping to co-create the New Earth.

Gentle music will guide you into a state of deep relaxation.

You will be co-creating this beautiful experience with the Arcturians, the Pleiadians and the Sirians who will provide their support and protection during this process of energetic alchemy.

You will be tuning into the new powerful frequencies of the Earth to shift out of the old timelines and bring about the ideal reality for both yourself personally and all of us as humanity.

You will receive instant access to this beautiful guided meditation which you can listen to over and over again until your dreams become reality.

What people says about  the NEW EARTH IMMERSION:

This immersion is perfect for you if:

It’s a guided process similar to meditation that does not require any preparation or effort. By listening to my guidance and special relaxing music, you will expand your manifesting powers and embody powerful frequencies of the New Earth.

The entire process requires just 25 minutes of your time!

You will have access to this recording for life. You can repeat the process at any time, especially when you have a new goal or dream in mind or when you feel like you want to give your manifestation powers a boost.

Receive instant access to this powerful guided immersion and start manifesting today!

Regular price: $77

Your price: $22

Evolving new earth


Arcturian Channel & Ascension Mentor

Aeron Lazar is a powerful energy worker, a starseed and a spiritual teacher with full-blown interdimensional gifts.

Aeron is passionate about helping people from all walks of life unlock their divine potential, access higher realms of consciousness, discover their planetary mission and effortlessly attract their soul’s true desires.

In this immersion, Aeron will take you on a journey to a sacred space from which you will manifest your highest possibilities whilst helping to co-create the New Earth. You will be tuning into the new powerful frequencies of the Earth to shift out of the old timelines and bring about your ideal reality.