Our planet is going through a phenomenal metamorphosis right now. It is our soul’s honour to live on Earth at this time. Each one of us can witness and support the ascension of our collective consciousness, and the liberation of the human race.
On the lead into the Solstice, I have channelled this powerful energy transmission that will allow you to make the most out of the potent powers of the upcoming Solstice.
It is a gift to you from myself and my Arcturian guides at this special time.
This channelled activation fine tunes your spiritual receiver so you can make the most out of the energy of the day during the Solstice. It is designed to alter your frequency within your energy field in such a way that you are most receptive to the energetic upgrades that will take place during the Solstice.
Simply find a quiet space, get comfortable, close your eyes, relax and open up to receive. Myself and my Guides will do the rest.
During the activation, I channel powerful Arcturian codes that work deeply to rewire your personal energy field and on every dimension of your being, for immediate profound results.
What you may experience during the energy transmission:
- Pulsations, vibrations or tingling
- Rush of energy through your body
- Physical sensations such as heat or cold
- Seeing images or sacred geometry
- A sense of lightness or feeling grounded
- Meeting your Spirit Guides

Spiritual Guide & Interdimensional Mystic
Aeron Lazar is a powerful energy worker, a starseed and a spiritual teacher with full-blown interdimensional gifts.
He’s had the ability to open up spiritually for over two decades. However, life and business got in a way and he pushed his cosmic gifts to one side. When he reconnected with his Higher Self, he began working energetically with various Light Beings including the Arcturians, the Pleiadians and the Sirians.
Aeron has the ability to receive energetic codes and upgrades and transmit them to others. These codes work with every aspect of a person’s 3D reality and assist in creating a lifetime of abundance and fulfilment, in every way. He also works with the Akashic Records on removing blocks, limitations, curses, bonds and all sorts of spiritual ties.
He is passionate about helping people from all walks of life unlock their divine potential, access higher realms of consciousness, discover their planetary mission and effortlessly attract their soul’s true desires.
In this Activation, Aeron will use channelled energy to assist with attuning your spiritual abilities to make the most out of energies of the Solstice.