Riya Loveguard

Past Life Karma

Past Life Karma: How to clear the karmic ledger and heal past incarnations

You may have heard a very popular singer sing about having karma on her side, after being wronged by so many people in her life and career. The song basically talks about “keeping her side of the streets clean” while her nemesis does the opposite, thereby causing the singer to have good life experiences and […]

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Channelled Message Aeron Lazar

Earth’s Ascension | Insight channelled from the Quantum Field by Aeron Lazar

“There is a gathering of beings of different races and species coming around the Earth as spectators. What is about to happen has been written in the plan for the Earth’s ascension since the dawn of everything. It is well known to beings in other dimensions and celestial beings. They have come to witness the

Earth’s Ascension | Insight channelled from the Quantum Field by Aeron Lazar Read More »