The Sirians: “You’ve got the greatest power in you” | Message channelled by Riya Loveguard

Aeron Lazar

Something unusual and beautiful happened when I got into the Quantum Field today.
Whenever I connect with Galactic Light Beings, I set my intention of where I want to go and what I want to. It was no different today.

I planned to connect with Pleiadians and start working with their codes. But much to my surprise, I ended up with Sirians whom I connected with recently.
It turned out that they pulled me in towards them as they had a personal message and special codes for me and my business, as well as a message for all of you.

They confirmed that they are aware of what the Arcturians are going to be doing around the light codes and technology and that they will work alongside the Arcturians in transmitting consciousness technology down to us. They can see the benefit in what the Arcturians will be doing. It is all around this upcoming shift in human consciousness. They feel that being able to elevate your consciousness and reach the Quantum Field is a key skill for human awakening.
This is the message that was channelled by my wife Riya during this encounter:
“We are one. Your consciousness can be uplifted. You feel powerless but you’ve got the greatest power inside of you.

We are one. 

Once you merge with our consciousness, you can feel the power. Great, ancient power. This power is beyond your wildest imagination. Do not feel limited by your body. Do not feel limited by your earthly vessel. Be one with us. Elevate your consciousness.

Practice, press and never give up, because you are the greatest consciousness living inside a human body. You are not just a human body. You are not what you think you are. You are so much greater. Once you merge your consciousness with our consciousness, you will feel the power of who you truly are.

Your greatest gift is this: being able to merge your consciousness with our consciousness. This is how you will feel truly powerful. This will be the experience that will change your life. Once you feel this immense power, then you will know that there is nothing that can shake you, because it is solid.
Do not be shaken. Do not be afraid. All that you are seeing going on in 3D is nothing. No virus can get into your consciousness. Your consciousness is pure. No matter what is happening around you, this is your sacred space. This is your absolutely pure, divine power. Dig into it. Don’t let it go. Keep pursuing until you find it. It’s already in you.”

Picture of Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar

Spiritual Guide & Multidimensional Psychic

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Picture of Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar

Spiritual Guide & Multidimensional Psychic

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